
  • 广州迪高科技产业园坐落在国家级南沙新区、中国(广东)自由贸易试验区广州南沙明珠湾片区
  • 明珠湾区作为南沙中心城区的核心区已聚集多家世界五百强企业、央企总部
  • 园区主干道多路公交巴士停靠,广州地铁四号线“广隆站”近在咫尺,邻近南沙客运港(https://www.nskyg.com)可直达至香港市区、香港机场与澳门;广深港高铁庆盛站连接东莞、深圳与香港
  • 邻近购物中心、生活小区等生活配套设施


Our Location

  • Located in Pearl Bay Cluster of China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone Nansha Area, also State-Level New Zone
  • Pearl Bay as core of Nansha , there have been certain World Fortune 500 Companies and State-owned Key Enterprises
  • Buses stop near DIGO industrial park;  Right next to Guangzhou Metro Line 4 Guanglong Station
  • Near Nansha Ferry Terminal to Hongkong city centre & airport and Macau
  • Near Qingsheng Station for Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link to Dongguan, Shenzhen & Hong Kong
  • Near grand shopping mall and fully-facilitated residential area